P. LEAGUE+ & T1 LEAGUE: Suns Sharpshooter Rice Scores 35 Points in Loss to Taiwan Beer

P. LEAGUE+ & T1 LEAGUE: Suns Sharpshooter Rice Scores 35 Points in Loss to Taiwan Beer


The P. LEAGUE+ and T1 LEAGUE are two professional basketball leagues in Taiwan. On February 27, 2023, the game between the Suns and Taiwan Beer took place, and it was a memorable game for one player in particular.

The Game

The Suns, led by their sharpshooter, Rice, put up a great effort against Taiwan Beer, but ultimately lost the game. Rice was the standout player, scoring an impressive 35 points in the game.

Rice’s Performance

Rice’s performance was a highlight of the game, as he shot with accuracy and efficiency from the field. He made 13 out of 20 field goal attempts, including 7 out of 10 three-point attempts. His performance was especially noteworthy because he did it all in just 32 minutes of playtime.

Taiwan Beer’s Victory

Despite Rice’s impressive performance, Taiwan Beer came out on top with a final score of 105-95. Taiwan Beer’s players also put up solid performances, with several players scoring in double digits.


The game between the Suns and Taiwan Beer was an exciting matchup, with Rice’s performance being a standout moment. Although the Suns were not able to secure the win, Rice’s 35-point performance is a reminder of his skills as a sharpshooter in the P. LEAGUE+ and T1 LEAGUE.